Hours spent - no joy

Well all you lurvly ladies. As you can see my blog is pretty sad at the moment. I have been trying to create a new customised one and it was (is) looking fab in the design stage......
Only problem, the software package I have used does not convert to blogger!!! 
What an EEEjuttt I am!
It says under blogger (coming shortly....) !
So my usual lack of concentration to the fine print and I have wasted soooo many hours!
Oh well, back to the drawing board!
But just imagine a super dooper header made from one of my own cards, labels that float like clouds, page tabs to view more detail and lots of lovely blues...... that's what it looks like !
But unfortunately I have removed all my widgets here so that I could transfer to my new page!
Sorry guys! Better I get back to the card making!
I star college next week for three days a week, hoping I can set aside time for prep and card makin!
Here's hoping
Big Hugs Guys - thanks for your patience !


  1. Oh no after all that hard work, I'm sure you will get it right in the end to how you want it to look and I bet it will be fabulous.

    Amanda x

  2. awww hun, what a shame.. i am sure that you will fathom it out.. xxxx

  3. Oh you do make me laugh hope you get it sorted soon sound fabulous, once sorted you can come and sort out mine :D

    Thanks for yiour good wishes dear
    Hugs Jacqui x


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